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Mission Statement

KFAD, Inc. (Kids Fun and Drama) has established as its mission the purpose of promoting the performing arts of theater, dance, and music, through teaching, training, and performance.


KFAD, Inc. helps to build self-esteem, poise, and knowledge of theatre, music, and dance in each child enrolled in the program. KFAD is open to all second through twelfth-grade students in the WI/IL Stateline area.

Why support KFAD?

Melissa Ramsey-Falk, former president of the KFAD Board explains it very well, "KFAD not only teaches children to act and sing on stage, it teaches and prepares them for acting and using their voices on the stage of life. This program is an excellent opportunity in that it gives kids confidence and teaches responsibility and wonderful cooperation skills - they learn that it takes more than one person to put on a good play.

KFAD is a non-for-profit 501(c)3 youth theater group governed by a volunteer board of directors.

This organization is supported with funds from the American Rescue

Plan Act provided by the National Endowment for the Arts and granted

through the Wisconsin Arts Board.


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